Devlog in Raw Form

Devlog - Beginning 19June2024


To Do:

DONE 1. Make To Do list

DONE 2. Create Level in SevenKeys_3rdPFirst->Copy from L_Room1

Move to Later 3. Implement Key/Door matching

DONE 4. Implement Key Randomization



1) Begin learning Blender

2) Create Key assets 

3) Implement Key/Door matching




DONE 1. Make this to do List

DONE 2. Take screenshots of yesterday's spagetti debugging code

DONE 3. Clean up the debugging code from yesterday

DONE 4. Put UFP sticker on bike

DONE 5. Fix BP_Keys mesh alignment issue

Move to Later 6. Make copy of SM_Key9 and fix pivot point issue

Move to Later 7. Implement Door/Key matching

DONE 8. Add temporary meshes to BP_Keys and align to weapon pack items

DONE 9. Debug yesterday's randomized mesh code in GM_SevenKeys_3rdPFirst and BP_Keys



1) Begin learning Blender

2) Create Key assets 

3) Add disintegrate effect for used doors and keys

4) Make copy of SM_Key9 and fix pivot point issue

5) Implement Door/Key matching



* Single horror death door (possibly cosmic horror). 

-> Portal opens; you walk down a hallway toward the next room just as in unharmed success door,

 but then the lights ahead go out. Randomizes between many horrors. 

* Each opened door will tell you something of adjacent doors, but not itself.

* Some Doors lie, but all adjacent doors inform of this.




DONE 1. Make This List

DONE 2. Create Key numbering system

DONE 3. Make keys return to their same table spot when dropped

DONE 4. Merge Pickup/Drop Action



1) Begin learning Blender

2) Create Key assets 

3) Add disintegrate effect for used doors and keys

4) Make copy of SM_Key9 and fix pivot point issue

5) Determine why it's happening and fix key pickup being finicky

6) Implement Door/Key matching

7) Make Door System




DONE 1. Make This List

DONE 2. Create BP_Doors

DONE 3. Make WBP_UI "Use Key?" Widget

DONE 4. Determine why it's happening and fix key pickup being finicky

DONE 5. Integrate BP_ThirdAsFirstPerson_Character pickup action with BP_Doors

DONE 6. Fix Get Overlapping Actors always returns an element that has the Key_Item tag once a key has been picked up -> Soln: "== compare with Key_In_Hand" 



1) Begin learning Blender

2) Create Key assets 

3) Add disintegrate effect for used doors and keys

4) Make copy of SM_Key9 and fix pivot point issue

5) Implement Door/Key matching

6) Create Raise Key animation to replace "Use Key?" text widget




DONE 1. Make This List

DONE 2. Import and add portals

Move to later 3. Import and Add disintegrate effect for used doors and keys

DONE 4. Fix camera clipping through walls -> Added backing walls

Move to later 5. Add Black Mirrored surface and liquid effect behind Doors 



Key used could influence the door's destination

Portals could remain open to return to previous rooms



1) Begin learning Blender

2) Create Key assets 

3) Add disintegrate effect for used doors and keys

4) Make copy of SM_Key9 and fix pivot point issue

5) Implement Door/Key matching

6) Create Raise Key animation to replace "Use Key?" text widget

Partially Done 7) Change lights to fire sources

8) Make portal teleport

9) Add Black Mirrored surface and liquid effect behind Doors




DONE 1) Make this list

DONE 2) Make Portal Teleport

DONE 3) Implement Door/Key matching -> Accomplished through Level Blueprint and Character Pawn (BP_ThirdAsFirstPersonCharacter) with event dispatching and binding.

DONE 4) Fix camera clipping through walls better -> Moved player camera backwards on model/mesh binding

DONE 5) Create unlocking logic

DONE 6) Add Sound effects -> Initial Fire SFX added 



1) Begin learning Blender

2) Create Key assets 

3) Make copy of SM_Key9 and fix pivot point issue

4) Create Raise Key animation to replace "Use Key?" text widget

Partially Done 5) Change lights to fire sources

6) Add disintegrate effect for used doors and keys

7) Add Black Mirrored surface and liquid effect behind Doors



-Add Unlocked doors reveal information about adjacent doors?




DONE 1) Make this list

Partially Done 2) Add remaining doors and portals to L_Room0 -> Doors Added -> Ran into massive wall with video memory -> Casting + GTX980 -> Eliminated Casting where possible; ordered new GPU

DONE 2) Make fire sfx loop and originate from torches

Partially Done 3) Change lights to fire sources

Move to Later 4) Destroy used keys and disable doors that were attempted but not unlocked

Move to Later 5) Add disintegrate effect for used doors and keys

DONE 6) Use Blueprint Interfaces to eliminate casting where possible to be more efficient



1) Begin learning Blender

2) Create Key assets 

4) Make copy of SM_Key9 and fix pivot point issue

5) Create Raise Key animation to replace "Use Key?" text widget

9) Add Black Mirrored surface and liquid effect behind Doors




DONE 1) Make this list

DONE 2) Fix all issues related to removing casts

DONE 3) Fix race condition issues

DONE 4)Install new GPU -> Causing "GPU Crash / D3D Device Removed" UE5 Crashing



Part Done 1) Add remaining doors and portals to L_Room0

2) Make fire sfx attenuate and add spatialization

Part Done 3) Change lights to fire sources

4) Destroy used keys and disable doors that were attempted but not unlocked

5) Add disintegrate effect for used doors and keys

6) Reduce size/resolution of Torch/Lamp textures

7) Begin learning Blender

8) Create Key assets 

9) Make copy of SM_Key9 and fix pivot point issue

10) Create Raise Key animation to replace "Use Key?" text widget

11) Add Black Mirrored surface and liquid effect behind Doors




1) Make this list

DONE 2) Stabilize "GPU Crash / D3D Removed" crashing in Unreal Engine after installing RTX3060 ->

DONE     ->Fixed with combination of Regedits (TdrDelay=60, TdrDdiDelay=60), Undervoltaging with MSi afterburner (925mV@1900MHz), specific driver version 537.58



Part Done 1) Add remaining doors and portals to L_Room0

2) Make fire sfx attenuate and add spatialization

Part Done 3) Change lights to fire sources

4) Destroy used keys and disable doors that were attempted but not unlocked

5) Add disintegrate effect for used doors and keys

6) Reduce size/resolution of Torch/Lamp textures

7) Begin learning Blender

8) Create Key assets 

9) Make copy of SM_Key9 and fix pivot point issue

10) Create Raise Key animation to replace "Use Key?" text widget

11) Add Black Mirrored surface and liquid effect behind Doors




DONE 1) Make this list

DONE ...ish 2) Overcome extreme depression and brain fog

DONE 3) Reduce Niagara particle system performance impact (7777 particle Spawn Rate setting per portal->Before improvement 6-8fps; Set to 777 on all-> 60+fps After)

DONE 4) Create rippling black obsidian material -> Used Ocean Sample material to create

DONE 5) Create portal switching material logic

Move to later 6) Make niagara particles spawn black obsidiam cubes and tiny emmisive blue/purple particles

DONE 7) Align Doorways with wall

DONE 8) Implement dynamic door number finding by BP_Portal_Actor_Doors



DONE 1) Add remaining doors and portals to L_Room0

2) Make fire sfx attenuate and add spatialization

Part Done 3) Change lights to fire sources

4) Destroy used keys and disable doors that were attempted but not unlocked

5) Add disintegrate effect for used doors and keys

6) Reduce size/resolution of Torch/Lamp textures

7) Begin learning Blender

8) Create Key assets 

9) Make copy of SM_Key9 and fix pivot point issue

10) Create Raise Key animation to replace "Use Key?" text widget

DONE 11) Add Black Mirrored surface and liquid effect behind Doors (#4 above)




DONE 1) Make this list

DONE 2) Add Game Instance (SevenKeys_GameInstance) and track remaining air

DONE 3) Implement UI widgets to work with new "Air Remaining" mechanic (WBP_UI and BPI_UI)

Begun 4) Write story intro and outro notes 

DONE 5) Make all portals openable

DONE 6) Create all trigger volumes and their corresponding Level blueprint logic

DONE 7) Make all portals load L_Room0

DONE 8) Increment PortalsEntered count in SevenKeys_GameInstance



1) Create emmisive materials for Portal Runes

2) Make fire sfx attenuate and add spatialization

Part Done 3) Change lights to fire sources

4) Destroy used keys and disable doors that were attempted but not unlocked

5) Add disintegrate effect for used doors and keys

6) Reduce size/resolution of Torch/Lamp textures

7) Begin learning Blender

8) Create Key assets 

9) Make copy of SM_Key9 and fix pivot point issue

10) Create Raise Key animation to replace "Use Key?" text widget

11) Reduce size/resolution of Torch/Lamp textures

12) Check meshes for nanite enabled, especially torches

13) Create portal runes using primitive shapes

Mostly Done ...ish 14) Create updated Open portal materials from Levels

15) Create Credits and Attributions Page



* Use glowing runes or symbols to indicate information on doors/portals -> Have portals add or subtract air; center(#7) portal refills all 5 minutes




DONE 1) Make this list

DONE 2) Destroy used keys and disable doors that were attempted but not unlocked

DONE 3) Check for Door disabled when using key

DONE 4) Fix "Use Key?" Text widget when Door is disabled or Door just unlocked



1) Create emmisive materials for Portal Runes

2) Make fire sfx attenuate and add spatialization

Part Done 3) Change lights to fire sources

4) Add portal reduction of air

5) Add disintegrate effect for used doors and keys

6) Reduce size/resolution of Torch/Lamp textures

7) Begin learning Blender

8) Create Key assets 

9) Make copy of SM_Key9 and fix pivot point issue

10) Create Raise Key animation to replace "Use Key?" text widget

11) Reduce size/resolution of Torch/Lamp textures

12) Check meshes for nanite enabled, especially torches

13) Create portal runes using primitive shapes

DONE 14) Create updated Open portal materials from Levels

15) Create Credits and Attributions Page

16) Write story intro and outro notes 

17) Create animation/delay of portal activation when entering room




DONE 1) Make this List

DONE 2) Create Main menu

DONE 3) Create credits and attributions page

DONE 4) Implement randomized position air remaining reduction for portal travel

DONE 5) Implement pickup key widget display

DONE 6) Fix multiple key overlaps and Pickup Key text -> New UI_widget was being created on Key pickup FIXED

DONE 7) Change default Key meshes

DONE 8) Recreate level Cube map an portal textures

DONE 9) Create main menu level

10) Add Breathing SFX when air is low

DONE 11) Create emmisive materials for Portal Runes

DONE 12))Randomize Glyphs

DONE 13)Make Glyphs invisible until unlocked

DONE 14) Use glowing runes or symbols to indicate information on doors/portals -> Have portals add or subtract air; center(#7) portal refills all 5 minutes



2) Make fire sfx attenuate and add spatialization

Done 3) Change lights to fire sources

4) Add portal reduction of air

5) Add disintegrate effect for used doors and keys

6) Reduce size/resolution of Torch/Lamp textures

Out of Time 7) Begin learning Blender

DONE 8) Create Key assets -> Changed materials ->Out of Time

9) Make copy of SM_Key9 and fix pivot point issue

10) Create Raise Key animation to replace "Use Key?" text widget

11) Reduce size/resolution of Torch/Lamp textures

12) Check meshes for nanite enabled, especially torches

DONE 13) Create portal runes using primitive shapes

DONE 14) Create updated Open portal materials from Levels

16) Write story intro and outro notes 

17) Create animation/delay of portal activation when entering room


2July2024 through 3July2024


DONE 1) Make this list

DONE 2) Implement air changing portal entry after new randomizing

DONE 3) Create/Add BP_Note 

DONE 4) Create win condition

DONE 5) Create Read Note Widget

DONE 6) Add Breathing SFX

DONE 7) Reset on running out of air

DONE 8) Disable portals on mismatched key

DONE 9) Add SFX for Key destroy / Portal disable

DONE 10) Fix L_Room0 Blueprint logic for multiplier result exceeding Max air



Out of time 2) Make fire sfx attenuate and add spatialization

DONE 3) Change lights to fire sources

DONE 4) Add portal reduction of air

Out of Time 5) Add disintegrate effect for used doors and keys

Out of Time 6) Reduce size/resolution of Torch/Lamp textures

Out of Time 7) Begin learning Blender <-Looking forward to this

DONE 8) Create Key assets -> Changed materials ->Out of Time

Unneeded 9) Make copy of SM_Key9 and fix pivot point issue

OUT OF TIME - 10) Create Raise Key animation to replace "Use Key?" text widget <-Currently most desired post launch update

Out of time 11) Reduce size/resolution of Torch/Lamp textures

Out of time 12) Check meshes for nanite enabled, especially torches

DONE 13) Create portal runes using primitive shapes

DONE 14) Create updated Open portal materials from Levels

DONE 16) Write story intro and outro notes 

Unneeded/Out of time 17) Create animation/delay of portal activation when entering room

Last hours bofore 11am 3July2024 Deadline



DONE 2) Add background sound/music

DONE 3) Bughunt

DONE 4) Repeatedly update the credits UI widget blueprint animations... so... many... times. 

DONE 5) Scramble to make project fit in a 1GB upload -> accomplished by creating a new blank project and migrating need maps and game instance to new project... after much suffering trying other things. lol

DONE 6) Create page and upload to

DONE 7) Enter project into Learn You A Game Jam 2024

40 minutes to spare.

Get Seven Keys

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