Design Choices and What I Would Update

In implementing the "One Inventory Item" LYAGJ theme, I decided to have the key that is picked up be visibly in the player's hand. That meant using an animated third person character with a camera moved into first person. As mentioned in the raw devlog, I had hoped to animate the character raising their arm whenever they were near a key that could be picked up, or raise the key in hand when near a portal that was still locked, but not destroyed. To make the game complete, I used text widgets to convey the ability to pick up a key or attempt to open a portal with a key. 

The other time constraint limited design choice was for the air remaining text widget display. I had intended to make the air remaining display something you could turn on or off in the options menu and have the player breathe differently based on the amount of air remaining. The effect of the character breathing hard and then blacking out when the air is gone was what I had intended to extend throughout.

I will probably update the game to include at least one of these optional changes once the results of the game jam are complete.

Thanks for reading.

Get Seven Keys

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